Connections between you and Giganews are 100% private. Make sure that you have SSL enabled in your newsreader to ensure that your connections to Giganews are encrypted and secure.
Since Giganews' Usenet service is fully private, we don't believe that it is necessary to use a VPN whenever accessing Usenet. However, if you wish to use a VPN in conjunction with our Usenet service, that is no problem! You can use the VyprVPN service included with your Giganews account, or any other VPN service of your choice.
When using a VPN with Giganews, make sure to fully connect to the VPN before you begin connecting to Usenet, and to not disconnect the VPN until you have fully disconnected from Usenet. If a VPN connection or disconnection occurs while downloading from Usenet, your account may be temporarily locked due to our system recognizing that your account was accessed from more than one IP address at the same time. If this occurs, then please fully disconnect from Usenet for at least 15 minutes. The lock will clear from your account during that time.
If you need any further assistance, please contact our 24/7 Customer Success Team, who would be glad to assist.