When your newsreader retrieves headers, it usually must perform several tasks, which include accessing the headers, organizing that information, and writing the new information to a database file on your computer. This can demand a lot of your computer's resources.
You may be able to achieve faster header speeds by taking these steps:
- Avoid getting headers in a very large group, while the newsreader is accessing articles, or performing other tasks.
- If your newsreader allows you to sort headers by subject or author, resort by date or article number before getting headers in a large newsgroup, so your newsreader will not try to sort while it is transferring or updating the header information.
- If your newsreader supports it, discard any unneeded headers before getting new headers, to reduce the size of any database files your computer will need to write to the hard drive.
If you need any further assistance, please contact our 24/7 Customer Success Team, who would be glad to assist.