Note: We offer limited support for this configuration. Our VyprVPN application for Windows includes support for all of our protocols, including OpenVPN. It is recommended that you use our application for your OpenVPN connections, which you can find here.
1. Download the latest version of the OpenVPN GUI software here (make sure to select the version that is compatible with Windows 7):
2. Install the application.
3. Download the VyprVPN .opvn files from the article here and open the .zip file.
4. In the .zip file, you will see two folders: one labeled "OpenVPN160" and another one labeled "OpenVPN 256"
For the highest level of encryption, we recommend using the files inside "OpenVPN256" for the next step.
If security is not a concern, the files in "OpenVPN160" will achieve a connection with less encryption. This may be faster on some computers and network environments.
5. Navigate to the OpenVPN install directory. By default, this will be either C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenVPN or C:\Program Files\OpenVPN
6. Open the Config folder from within the OpenVPN folder.
7. Within the folder in the .zip file that you selected in step 4, copy the files with the names of the server locations that you will need to connect to, and place them in the Config folder within the "OpenVPN" folder (you do not need to copy the file "", you only need to copy the files with location names on them).
If there are no specific locations that you need to be connecting to, we recommend selecting several locations that are close to you physically, and to copy those files into the "Config" folder.
You can move all the files into the Config folder if you choose to do so. This will result in a very long list of locations to connect to from within the OpenVPN application.
In the example below, we've selected Algeria, Egypt, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, Austin, and New York, and moved the files for those locations into our Config folder:
8. Locate the OpenVPN software icon that should be on the desktop.
9. Right-click the icon and choose "Run as Administrator."
10. The OpenVPN GUI icon should appear in the system tray at the bottom right-hand side of the screen. Note: you may need to expand the system tray to see it.
11. Right-click the OpenVPN GUI icon. You will see the server locations listed. If you don't, you can go into "profiles" and you will see the locations there.
12. Hover the mouse over the server location you want to connect to and click "Connect."
13. Momentarily, you will be prompted to enter your credentials. You will need to type in your Giganews username and password.
14. The software will connect. The icon in the system tray will turn green if successfully connected, and you will see a notification confirming that you have successfully connected.
If you need any further assistance, please contact our 24/7 Customer Success Team, who would be glad to assist.