Thank you for considering Giganews as your Usenet provider!
We would be happy to have you as a Giganews member. Giganews offers the highest quality Usenet retention, fastest connection speeds, and best completion rates.
In addition to our industry-leading service levels, Giganews offers a risk-free 14-day/10GB trial membership.
Your trial membership does not require any commitment, and your credit card or PayPal account will not be billed during the trial period. Once the trial period has concluded, your card or PayPal account will be billed for the Giganews membership that you chose during the signup process. You can cancel at any time prior to the end of the trial without a charge. If you do not want to be billed, simply cancel your Giganews account during the trial period.
Retention: Giganews offers the world's highest quality binary and text Usenet retention. You'll find the same speed and completion across the entire retention.
Reliability: Multiple levels of redundancy at the server, network, and backbone levels help ensure that Giganews' service is always available. Redundancy also allows Giganews to upgrade and maintain Usenet systems, oftentimes without downtime.
Speed: Giganews provides Gigabits of available bandwidth so members can get the most out of their cable, DSL, fiber, or wireless broadband connection. Internal resources such as servers and routing equipment are also kept at a fraction of the capacity to ensure that increases in traffic won't slow service down for any members.
Completion: Proprietary patent pending Usenet software developed by Giganews allows for near-perfect completion in most newsgroups (99%+).
If you need any further assistance, please contact our 24/7 Customer Success Team, who would be glad to assist.