These instructions cover installing VyprVPN CLI for Linux on Ubuntu (14.0.04, 14.10, 15.0.04, 15.10 and16.0.04) or Linux Mint. While it may work on other Debian-based distributions, they are unsupported at this time.
Note: This tutorial assumes you are using a GUI desktop environment. If you are on a command-line the only machine, you can use the following commands to download the package and install it:
(It is recommended to use gdebi to install the package. use sudo apt-get install gdebi if you don't have it)
Installing through the Command Line
- For the 64-bit package
Installing with dpkg
sudo dpkg -i vyprvpn-linux-cli-1.8.amd64.deb
Installing with gdebi
sudo gdebi vyprvpn-linux-cli-1.8.amd64.deb
- For the 32-bit package
Installing with dpkg
sudo dpkg -i vyprvpn-linux-cli-1.8.i386.deb
Installing with gdebi
sudo gdebi vyprvpn-linux-cli-1.8.i386.deb
Installing using a GUI
1. Download the install package for your architecture (64-bit or 32-bit).
- Click here to download the package for 64-bit Operating Systems
- Click here to download the package for 32-bit Operating Systems
2. Locate the downloaded file and right-click it, choose the option to open it with your package manager. You may see "Open with Software Install," "Open with Ubuntu Software Center," or other similar options.
3. Follow the install prompts in your package manager. Enter administrative credentials when prompted.
4. Once the install is complete, launch Terminal.
How to Configure
1. From Terminal, log into VyprVPN CLI for Linux with the command: vyprvpn login
2. Set your desired server location with the command: vyprvpn server set
3. Set your desired protocol with the command: vyprvpn protocol set
4. Connect with the command: vyprvpn connect
5. Disconnect with the command: vyprvpn disconnect
The above steps are not an exhaustive list of available commands. To view all possible commands use: vyprvpn -h
If you need any further assistance, please contact our 24/7 Customer Success Team, who would be glad to assist.